Friday, April 10, 2009

Rule #5: Encourage your band, even if they suck.

Perhaps especially if they suck.

Playing in the band can be one of the more visible ministries involved in a Christian meeting. For many people it involves dealing with the nervousness of standing up in front of everyone, playing music that they may or may not feel comfortable playing (perhaps because they are highly classically trained but are now a bit flummoxed by just being told 'here are the chords, you'll figure it out'), having nowhere to hide if you hit a wrong note (or the ultimate nightmare - a complete trainwreck - which often has more to do with limited practise time, last-minute changes in song list or band-line up than with error on the part of the musos).

And chances are, especially if they suck, some 'helpful' individual has already let them know how lousy the music was.

Everyone has an opinion on music in church. Sometimes these opinions are expressed less than helpfully. The band members are Christian brothers and sisters, trying to serve the assembly of Christ's people by using whatever gifts and abilities that God has given them in the place he has put them in. This often involves turning up 1 1/2 hours before everyone else, lugging heavy gear to and from cars, stress in practising, 'performance' anxiety, then rolling cables afterwards while everyone else has a chat and a cuppa.

So maybe just let your brothers and sisters in the band know you appreciate their service.
Even if they suck.

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