Friday, March 13, 2009

Here are The Rules.

Of course, opinions should be offered gently, respectfully and with humility. But to save us all from drowning in caveats, quibbles and qualifications (and of course, to save myself the effort of false humility), I thought it might be better just to set my opinions out the way they sound in my head: as undeniable, inalienable truths - the rules.

So this blog is about music in church - why it sucks and how to fix it.
If you do exactly as I say, we should all get along just fine.


  1. Pete! I'm pumped that you're writing this blog. I have neither the expertise, nor the experience to write it myself. But I have all the desire in the world that someone do it. I'm glad it's you :)

  2. I don't have those things either, but I do have plenty of opinions nevertheless...
