Image from Bosta, via flickr
At St. Dorcas' the other day no-one blinked an eyelid as we sung about the Ancient of Days, who is apparently 'pavilioned in splendour and girded in praise'. And here I didn't even know it was possible to 'pavilion' something. Come to think of it, I could even have been pavilioned unawares for some time, to the mirth of those around me. How embarrassing! Not to mention that in the same song 'angels delight to hymn thee above'. It seems that just about anything goes if you're 'hymn-ing' God.
Maybe all this is a big joke at our expense - somewhere out there is a secret society of Christian songwriters giving each other little challenges.
'I bet you can't get them to sing the word "ineffably".'
'I bet I can...'
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